How much does it cost to sell a lot at Göteborgs Auktionsverk?

Göteborgs Auktionsverk takes a sales commission of 16% and a fee of SEK 100 (a minimum of SEK 300,00), VAT included, on the hammer price per auction lot.

Who arranges transport?

We can assist with transportation or arrange a suitable carrier, subject to a fee.

When will I receive my money after a sale?

The seller will be notified regarding the outcome of the auction by e-mail straight after its completion. Provided payment is received from the buyer, the net sales revenue will be issued to the seller 20 banking days after the date of the auction, as long as the buyer does not exercise their right of withdrawal or lodge a complaint. Payment is made to the bank account or Bankgiro provided.

Questions regarding sold lots are referred to; by e-mail to or by phone on +46 (0)812-44 99 85 (Monday–Friday 10.00 a.m.–1.00 p.m.).

What happens if a lot is not sold?

A lot which is not sold at the first auction will be automatically resold on a total of three occasions.